Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New kicks new energy!

I got some new "shoes" today. I'm rocking the Vibram FiveFingers KomodoSport Multisport Shoes! I am going to try the barefoot running style to see if it works for me. I have been having problems with ankle and hamstring pain but I think they are a product of weighing too much but I also think they are caused by my shoes. I can't wait to run tomorrow and see how things go. I am also going to try and find a p90x system on craigslist (thanks Julie) to start that as well. I have been running off the beaten trail every time I have run in the last few weeks. I still hit the treadmill once or twice week but I know that this will not prepare me for the warrior dash! I know that it is only 3.5 miles but I know it will be more of a challenge than running 3.5 miles. I also have the possibility of running the Tuff Mudder in October which is 7+ miles plus all the trouble a British Special Forces member can muster! Follow my progress on I have some friends or fiends joining me too! Mike Murphy, Mike McKenzie, Chis Gavin, Jeff McLamb, Adam Plummer, Ryan Davenport, Chip Stout and others that I have on the maybe list! Mike Ku, Jermy Feldbush, Stefan you coming?

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